Arjen - Fighter(Grimworld)(2). Damage d6, hit points 16.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 13 (+1) 9 (+0) 6 (-1) 7 (-1) 6 (-1) 7 (-1) Alignment: Neutral: gain fame or wealth
Race: Human; worships Balinor; Survival
Moves: Armoured; Weapon Specialization: Two-handers; Battle-Ready; Combat Awareness; Sundering Blows
Equipment: Leather armour, short sword, spear, 40 gold coin, bedroll, adventurer’s kit, 12 rations; 40 gold coin
Appearance: 21 years old, 6’1”. Arjen is roughly-dressed in homespun brown peasant’s trousers and a leather hauberk (still bearing burn marks in places). He carries a shortsword.
Background: A lumberjack from near Wyr in Aundair. His parents were farmers; he lived in a rural community there during a period of decline, due to the Last War, the loss of the nearby Eldeen Reaches when it declared independence, and a loss of people due to urbanisation as the technology of the Five Nations began to change the way of life of ordinary people.
Personality: Arjen has always lived a rural life and is adventuring partly to escape from the changes that are eroding that way of life in his homeland. He is somewhat in awe of all magical and strange things; he shies away from a fight, and is more comfortable scouting ahead than joining the fight. Worships the Host, particularly Balinor.
Sakhisli - Channeler(3). Damage d4, hit points 26.Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 11 (+0) 14 (+1) 16 (+2) 8 (-1) 9 (+0) 12 (+0) Alignment: Chaotic: Use your conduit to cause great disorder or chaos
Race: Dwarf; conduit for flame, emanating from her fingers
Moves: Summon Elemental; Trickle; Channel; Techniques: Gout of Flame: blast, 2 piercing; Elemental Protection; Callus; Thread the Needle
Equipment: Leather armour; blanket; 0 rations; 40 gold coin; flaming spearhead (Awkward, Fiery); cursed dragonshard
Appearance: a stout dwarf woman; 4’0”, 49 years old. She wears red trousers and a leather hauberk, and carries an old dwarven forge hammer. She wears her black hair in a long braid. The left side of her face and left arm were badly burned recently.
Personality: She can be loudmouthed and her temper flares sometimes. Otherwise, she is happy to work as part of a group, and willing to do hard work without complaining.
Background: Born in the Mror Holds in north-eastern Khorvaire. She was a smith, born to a family of smiths, and has spent at least twenty years working a forge. She was forced to leave her homeland and her people for unknown reasons; she worked as a blacksmith in Atur for a while, but grew tired of such routine work and decided to seek riches by a faster route, joining the Clifftop Adventurer’s Guild around a month before the current expedition to Xen’drik was formed. She was badly burned by a fire mephit during the fire giants’ attack, and seems to have gained some ability with fire magic as a result of that exposure. Worships Onatar, of the Sovereign Host.
Kyorlin - Hunter(3). Damage d8, hit points 22.Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 9 (+0) 16 (+2) 14 (+1) 15 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) Alignment: Chaotic: Free someone from literal or figurative bonds
Race: Drow elf: When you undertake a perilous journey through wilderness, one job you take you succeed at
Moves: Revenge; Hunt and Track; Hunter’s Mark; I Wander Alone; Set The Trap; Hawkeyed; Lone Wolf
Equipment: Leather armour; shortbow; arrows(3); 1 ration; 80 gold coin; long hunting knife and a dagger; athame (magical, cancels or probes magical effects); giant-sized twilight mithril chain shirt
Appearance: 5’7”, 130 years old. Kyorlin is grey-skinned, slender, with white hair but a young face for an elf. He wears well-fitted leathers, made himself from his kills as a jungle hunter; his clothes are grubby from years of travelling the jungles of Xen’drik. He carries two long-bladed hunting knifes on his belt, and a shortbow on his back.
Personality: Kyorlin is intelligent and thoughtful; he can act in haste when required but prefers to have time to plan. The loss of his brother to fire giants has affected him, time will tell how. He hates fire giants, and resents their presence in Xen’drik far more than the outsiders from Khorvaire. A worshipper of Vulkoor, the scorpion god.
Background: He was born into one of the Vulkoorim drow tribes that populate the jungles of Xen’drik. Trained as a hunter from a young age, he has a hundred years of experience in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness; the only other civilisation that he has seen is the city of Stormreach. With his brother, he left his tribe some years ago for reasons yet unknown, and has made a living as a guide for Khorvairian expeditions through the jungle. His brother was recently killed by fire giants.
Arjen: Common
Kyorlin: Giantish, Common
Sakhisli: Dwarven, Common
Saturday, 6 January 2018
Final Character Sheets
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